Image of a grilled cheese sandwich made with NotCheese. The picture shows a stack of golden-brown toasted sandwiches with melted plant-based cheese oozing out.



End to end product innovation

Reduce the production cost of Kraft’s plant-based Cheddar cheese slices while maintaining its popular taste.
We tackled the cost impact head-on. Our Synthesis AI module played a key role, optimizing the flavor and main ingredient ratios quickly and efficiently.
A complete success! We engineered a formula that reduced costs by 13% without sacrificing the cheese's beloved flavor and texture.
The old fashioned way

48 months

Working this way takes its sweet time. Lots of trial and error, and it can take years to get it just right.
The NotCo way

5 months

Giuseppe and our team made this huge achievement almost look effortless. We could say this was easy cheese.

Now it’s your choice: 
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