Image of cacao-free chocolate. The picture shows a dark chocolate bar surrounded by a cloud of cocoa powder.

Confidential client

Cacao-free Chocolate

End to end product innovation

Create a chocolate bar without using cocoa, driven by sustainability concerns and the current issues facing the global cocoa industry.
We used residual ingredients from other industries and innovative ingredients to recreate the cocoa experience. For this, we used our Synthesis module, which was crucial for elevating, optimizing and exploring at the same time.
We successfully developed a chocolate that mimics a 50% cocoa profile. Although it does not possess all the properties of traditional chocolate, this achievement represents a significant advancement in producing sustainable alternatives to conventional chocolate.
The old fashioned way

It takes a long time to replace ingredients and see how they behave. Only a few companies have been able to come up with this approach and there is none that’s using the proven methods we have been implementing.
The NotCo way

The ability to not only research on cocoa replacements, but to explore, optimize and use novel ingredients that impact texture and flavor.

Now it’s your choice: 
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